How can I contact PayPal Customer Service in Canada?

This question is often asked by many Canadian punters or Canadians in general as how can they contact Paypal help support team in case they find any issue or difficulty using Paypal or their services. This important question answer is given below.
Before you dive into the customer service of PayPal Canada, note that you can even check their general questions and answers in their FAQ section of their official site to solve most of your queries. Also you need to first login with your PayPal account to contact them.
You can contact PayPal Customer service by live chat, email and phone.
Contact via phone
To contact PayPal customer support by phone you first need to log in with your Paypal account either on PayPal app or at PC and you will get then one time passcode to clear your identity. This passcode is valid for 10 minutes. If it expires, you will need to go to the Call Us page again to find a new one-time passcode.
You can call PayPal Customer Service at 1 877 569-1116
If you are hearing or speech impaired, you can contact through an IP relay service. Use 1 402 935-2050 (if calling from outside Canada)
For a service in French, dial 1 855 477-1170 from 9 am to 5:30 pm Monday to Friday.
The phone Customer Service is open from 6:00 AM PT to 6:00 PM PT Monday through Sunday.

Contact via Community Center PayPal
The community centre of Paypal also helps and answers your questions.Before you get started, note that PayPal does not endorse the accuracy or applicability of user generated content in the Community. Content may be posted by users in countries different from yours and PayPal has the right to reject or remove any content.
You can contact community centre Paypal here
Contact via Email
Paypal email contact only happens if you login with your paypal account and click on contact page. The web form will appear with your inbox and send items folder. All you need is to create a new message and click on send an email to paypal with your question or issue you are facing.

Contact at Resolution Centre
PayPal offers a resolution centre where you can also contact them with your issue that you are facing.
Click here to access resolution centre
Click on report a problem and you will get a case ID which you can use for further reference.
Note that there are no other ways to contact PayPal customer service and if anyone provides you with their email or phone number it might be fake. Always login with your Paypal account and use the bottom contact us button to find ways to contact them anytime you face any difficulty.